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Pros and Cons of Having a Server Hosted Off-Site Speak With A Calgary Microsoft Office 365 Expert Now Ready To Take Microsoft Office 365 Out For A Spin? Let CTECH Be Your Professional Office 365 Guide. Sign Up For A Free Demo Of Microsoft’s Powerful Cloud...
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Cybercriminals have always been smart, fast, and incredibly adaptive. Just as you’re constantly looking for new ways to improve workflow and productivity with technology while keeping data safe, they’re always looking for new ways to do harm and compromise your...
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Most business owners are aware that downtime is inevitable as interruptions can take on many forms – from virus infections to power outages to floods to human errors. Would you be prepared to lose access to your data and applications tomorrow? How long would you be...
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Spot the Sneaky Tools Used to Skim Your Account Number/Pins at ATMs Row of Credit Cards Credit card skimmers are one of the most successful tools nowadays in cybercrime, with thieves attaching them to pay portals that are used by many, on a regular basis, such as at...
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Microsoft withdrew downloads for Windows 10 version 1511, which became available in the middle of November 2015 after being announced as a major upgrade for the operating system. The update was to be downloaded via the official media creation tool (MCT), which is...
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