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Keep Software Costs Down with Microsoft Office 365

Keep Software Costs Down with Microsoft Office 365

Carl FransenMy passion is to make my mark on the world in a positive and lasting way. I want to set an example for my son that his father can compete with integrity in today’s world, be very successful, and leave the world a better place for him. Combining my...
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Can Microsoft Office 365 really save you time and money?

Can Microsoft Office 365 really save you time and money?

Microsoft Office 365 is the latest “golden” product, and it seems that everyone is switching to it. You’ve heard raves about how incredible the savings are.  But you can’t help but wonder—can it really be true?  Can Office 365 really be that different from every other...
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Microsoft Office 365 Support

Microsoft Office 365 Support

Carl FransenMy passion is to make my mark on the world in a positive and lasting way. I want to set an example for my son that his father can compete with integrity in today’s world, be very successful, and leave the world a better place for him. Combining my...
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Dangers Lurking That Can Impact Your Business Today

Dangers Lurking That Can Impact Your Business Today

What are Malware Variants and Why Are They So Dangerous?     Malware variants pose new threats to your data security. Find out how they work and why they’re on the rise. A variant is an improvement on old malware. It combines something old and something new. Variants...
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